Singing Night and Day: Michaëlle Martial of the Caribbean Nightingale

Singing Night and Day: Michaëlle Martial of the Caribbean Nightingale

The Caribbean Nightingale is much more than a stage name—it is an organization that has been working to cultivate community through artistry. … read more

“The Pigment of Love” by Lebogang Tendai Monageng-Goad

“The Pigment of Love” by Lebogang Tendai Monageng-Goad

Lebogang Tendai Monageng-Goad’s poem “The Pigment of Love” explores how “we can achieve more in a horizontally aligned, dual relationship.” … read more

“Jazz” by Ashley Finley

“Jazz” by Ashley Finley

Ashley Finley is a consistent advocate for social justice and change. She does this through her work as a poet and in her everyday life. … read more

Poem: Mother of Swords by Lisa Bickmore

Poem: Mother of Swords by Lisa Bickmore

Lisa Bickmore is the author of three books of poetry, most recently Ephemerist (Red Mountain Press, 2017), and teaches writing of all kinds at Salt Lake Community College. … read more

Witch Lit: Lyrical Mixology With Abraham Smith

Witch Lit: Lyrical Mixology With Abraham Smith

Curated by Abraham Smith and Matthew Pfohl, Witch Lit is a monthly poetry reading showcasing the diversity of local poets. … read more

Jai Hamid Bashir: A Knife Delivers Us from Tenderness

Jai Hamid Bashir: A Knife Delivers Us from Tenderness

Jai Hamid Bashir is a Pakistani-American teacher, creator and writer based out of Salt Lake City. You can find more of her work and musings at … read more