Salt Lake Comic Con 2014

Salt Lake Comic Con 2014: More Swords Please – The...
Salt Lake Comic Con has come and gone yet again, packing masses of costumed dweebs into the Salt Palace to view panels and dig through the hundreds of booths on the show room floor. Amidst the hundreds of sabre vendors there were some real high lights and low lights, and we figured you’d want a run down. … read more

Salt Lake Comic Con 2014: Comic Con Bash
What do you get when you cross Salt Lake Comic Con with loud music, packed crowds, elaborate costumes? Well, uh, more Comic Con, except this time with a full bar. The general attendance side of the affair was well-attended and enjoyable, the bar was indeed full and my whiskey and coke was much-appreciated. … read more

Salt Lake Comic Con 2014: Danny Glover
While people were losing their minds over the weekend’s keynote guest, Mr. Stan Lee, next door, a half-full North Ballroom was being treated to a panel with one of the great actors of the last generation. Of course, I’m referring to Danny Glover. … read more

Salt Lake Comic Con 2014: Tabletop Games and RPGs Day...
Phil Kilcrease has been publishing games locally under the 5th Street moniker for a number of years, and he makes his passion for board games known through his gregarious attitude and extreme enthusiasm. … read more

Salt Lake Comic Con 2014: Battlefield Live
Jeanie Burdie and her family take the looming threat of a zombie apocalypse seriously. So seriously, in fact, that they founded Battlefield Live, a mobile laser tag arena dedicated to helping civilians deal with the living dead. … read more

Salt Lake Comic Con 2014: Film Festival
For folks who wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle of Comic Con and sit in the dark for eight to ten hours, the Salt Lake Comic Con Film Festival was up and running at the Gateway Megaplex all three days of the convention. … read more

Salt Lake Comic Con 2014: Cosplayers – Erick Van Uitert,...
Here’s something fairly exclusive to the 21st century – professional cosplayers. These are folks, mostly women, whose whole livelihood is based on dressing up as comic book, movie, TV, cartoon, and video game characters, and showing up at events like Comic Con. … read more

Salt Lake Comic Con 2014: Hello, Sweetie! Podcast
The ladies of Hello, Sweetie! Podcast have certainly come a long way since we spoke to them last. I was stoked to see that, not only had they received their own panel at Comic Con, but as individuals sat on several other panels each, cementing their authority on all things nerdtastic. … read more

Salt Lake Comic Con 2014: George Romero Panel
The panel on the work of George Romero was stationed by longtime and dedicated fans, as well as creative in the world of zombies: author Sean Hoade of Las Vegas, local writer/musician Craig Nybo, and local novelist/graphic novelist Carter Reid. … read more

Salt Lake Comic Con 2014: Stephen Amell and John Barrowman
Having since joined the Arrow bandwagon—better late than never, friends—I was considerably pumped to see that the show’s hero and villain would be making a back to back panel appearance. … read more