Appreciating the Outdoors One Brew at a Time

Appreciating the Outdoors One Brew at a Time

These five local breweries emphasize Utah recreation culture by showing support for local, outdoor-centric organizations. … read more

Uinta Brewing: Pro Line Series Featuring Local Artists

Uinta Brewing: Pro Line Series Featuring Local Artists

Uinta Brewing is keeping up their reputation for consistent innovation by releasing a Pro Line series featuring the artwork of SLC local Griffin Siebert. … read more

Beer Glassware: What’s So Special About The Shape?

Beer Glassware: What’s So Special About The Shape?

Next time you take a sip of the “nectar of the gods,” take a brief moment to understand and appreciate the design of the vessel that beer is being served in. … read more

Uinta’s New Direction

Uinta’s New Direction

“It was time to freshen up our portfolio and be more innovative,” says Winter with regard to Uinta’s new direction. “In late 2015, we began putting a plan together to see what new beer from Uinta would look like. We looked at new packaging, yeast strains and styles that would make people take notice.” And notice people did. … read more

Beer of the Month: Uinta Farmside Saison

Beer of the Month: Uinta Farmside Saison

These are good days for a beer nerd—it’s like a personalized Christmas designed just for me! It’s damn frigid this morning, and Uinta Brewing Company is my destination. The description that Uinta provided back in December made this beer sound too good—delaying, for me, is not an option. I strolled my ass into Uinta’s bottle shop where the bottles and other people clamoring for beers awaited me. … read more

Review: 2015 Brighton Revolver

Review: 2015 Brighton Revolver

Brewery/Brand: Uinta Brewing Co.
ABV: 4.0%
Serving Style: 22-oz. bottle, draft … read more

Review: Port O’ Call

Review: Port O’ Call

This brand-new offering from Uinta pours a somewhat muddy, caramel-brown color with a bubbly ring of tan bubbles. … read more

Review: Ready Set Gose

Review: Ready Set Gose

Ready Set Gose pours a hazy straw color with a moderate-to-thin fizzy pillow of foam on top. … read more

Review: Ales for ALS Red IPL

Review: Ales for ALS Red IPL

The nose on this beer has huge citrus peel and a healthy dose of pine needles. The taste starts juicy with orange and tangerine. … read more

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June 2015 Beer Reviews

June 2015 Beer Reviews

From light and dry to tart and fruity to hop bombs, we’ve got your summer sippin’ situation well in hand. 

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