Art in Motion: The League of Reluctant Bicyclists Takes to...
Megan Hallett of Framework Arts has set out on her latest project, The League of Reluctant Bicyclists, slated to become a living exhibit at UMOCA. … read more
Heavy Lifting: Works by Molly Morin
Molly Morin’s works are grounded in the sport and spirit of weightlifting but suspended in the relevance of humans maneuvering through their internalized circuitry. … read more
Selective Nature: Nancy Rivera
Nancy Rivera has wrestled with this boundary of the real since her days completing her MFA at the University of Utah. Her work centered around the cyanotype processes, a cameraless form of photography that exposes a photosensitive iron solution onto a surface and then dries it in a dark room. … read more
Utah Brewers Guild: How Liquid Craft Influences a City
Utah Brewers Guild’s goal is to show the economic impact of the craft beer industry and the positive benefits we are making on the local economy. Brewers of all levels and experience are coming to Utah to create excellent craft beer, and there is still room for more. … read more
To Infinity: An Interview with Wren Ross
For her upcoming exhibition at the Utah Museum Of Contemporary Art (UMOCA), Wren Ross has been continually looking upward for inspiration. The celestial—specifically, the study of archeoastronomy—has moved Ross to create artistic renditions of maps and atlases. … read more
Goodnight 2017: UMOCA’s 2018 Galleries
the Utah Museum of Contemporary Art (UMOCA) put on a fabulous all-museum exhibition opening for five new shows from dozens of artists, including a collection curated by Earl Gravy. Artist in residence Justin Watson also unveiled a curated project of 30 artists, and UMOCA’s smaller galleries are now home to some excellent works by Eric Overton and Merrit Johnson, all exploring physical and political landscapes through nontraditional inquiry. … read more
Desire Lines at UMOCA: Janell James
Of 15 total, Desire Lines features three local artists, Jane Christensen, Janell James and Kelly Larsen, who discuss their participation in the show. … read more
Desire Lines at UMOCA: Kelly Larsen
UMOCA Desire Lines artist Kelly Larsen says, “After 15 years of sculpting self-identity and exploring various art material, I have come to a place of working with community and using non-art material.” … read more
Desire Lines at UMOCA: Jane Christensen
Of 15 total, Desire Lines features three local artists, Jane Christensen, Janell James and Kelly Larsen, who discuss their participation in the show. … read more
In a State of Play: Balqis Al Rashed
Born in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and raised in Beirut, Lebanon, for 16 years, Al Rashed translates her lived experience into works that examine personal and collective identity. … read more