Husky Rescue

Review: Husky Rescue – The Long Lost Friend

National Music Reviews

Husky Rescue – The Long Lost Friend

Husky Rescue
The Long Lost Friend (Special Edition)

Street: 04.27
Husky Rescue = Flunk + Freezepop + Zero 7

An act that can successfully combine folk, downtempo electronic and indie-pop elements without sounding like a clusterfuck of music haphazardly hodge-podged together is nothing short of a musical anomaly. However, Husky Rescue manage to artfully piece together each influence into a cohesive, enjoyable listening experience. Across this two-disc expedition, we explore themes of a lost friendship and its rekindling, while also meddling in the metaphysical, which briefly crosses into the realm of the avant-garde and somehow maintains a distinctly ethereal innocence. Never does the listener feel overwhelmed or confused—each chord, lyric and musical bar is curated and executed with great care and precision. Although moods leap from upbeat indie pop on one track to eccentrically distorted and spacey electronic, one never feels lost or confused—everything is exactly where it should be. –Allison Shephard