Review: Freemasonry Revealed
DVD Reviews
Freemasonry Revealed
The Secret History of the Freemasons
Koch Entertainment
Street: 09.11
The secretive nature of Masonry, the ties it has in the Latter Day Saint church’s history and history in general have always enticed a great deal of curiosity in me. When I picked it up, Freemasonry Revealed was still wrapped in its original plastic, with a sticker on the front proclaiming it had been a part of a Discovery Channel special, which I thought, added some credibility and integrity. It was with these high hopes that I put the first disc into my DVD player and soon after the second. What did I learn you may ask? Well, the answer, unfortunately, is “Not much.” Freemasonry’s roots are thought to go back to the Temple of Solomon and the Knights of the Templar and to have been passed down through time and reorganized in more modern times in the year 1717 at a pub in London. Beyond the facts and speculations about the origins of Freemasonry, this series shows and talks about some of the Mason’s temple rites, rituals and handshakes, tells us prominent Masons in history and discusses legends and conspiracies among the Masons. The footage and information about the temple rituals that is shared is no doubt sacred, but the truly sacred is kept sacred and not shown for our eyes or spoken for our ears. When it comes down to it, the DVDs run circles with the same information over and over again and never say anything new and could easily be condensed into one DVD. If you know nothing about Freemasonry, this series will be a good start. If you know a decent amount, look elsewhere to learn more. -Jeremy C. Wilkins