Sundance Film Review: Song One

Sundance Film Review: Song One

Remember Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist? How about nearly anything that Michael Cera or Audrey Plaza have been in the past five years? Well, what the Hollywood indie scene is to those films, Brooklyn’s folky singer/songwriter scene is to Song One. With Oscar winner Anne Hathaway at the helm, one would expect this to be a level above those quirky indie pop romance flicks, but it doesn’t even reach there.  … read more

Sundance Film Review: War Story

Sundance Film Review: War Story

I’ve seen some really beautiful, underrated films in the NEXT category at Sundance: where most of the experimental films that only the most open and artsy minded audiences gravitate towards (which means less crowded theaters!). War Story was not one of them. … read more

Sundance Film Review: Ping Pong Summer

Sundance Film Review: Ping Pong Summer

From the goofy, ’80s-themed opening credits, this film doesn’t pretend it’s going to be anything other than what it is, and that I can respect. It’s a nod to the campy (in both the cinematic and genre definitions of the word) teen movies of the ’80s and ’90s, the underdog championship dramedies of the early aughts, with a dry, Napoleon Dynamite–styled deadpan sheen—and at times, it succeeded in coaxing a sincere smile of nostalgia or a light chuckle from a good joke, but it’s not quite enough.  … read more

Localized – Wake Up Nebula, OK Ikumi and The Moth & The Flame

Localized – Wake Up Nebula, OK Ikumi and The Moth...

It’s going to be an unforgettable night of local music at the Urban Lounge on March 9. Localized, this month, features Provo darlings and indie art rockers The Moth & The Flame, and the mellow electro samplings of OK Ikumi. Get there early to catch the ethereal soundscapes of electro-pop band Wake Up Nebula for only $5. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: Bike Love

Beautiful Godzilla: Bike Love

Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful powder blue converted fixie. One day, the bicycle’s owner got super wasted at a local bar and, too drunk to bike home, decided to hail a cab instead. Left alone, its frame hugging the cold black curve of the bike rack, the bicycle cowered under the shadow of the night sky. … read more

Waging W.A.R. on Inequality

Waging W.A.R. on Inequality

Over 40 years ago, in the mid-’60s, a young artist named Lynn Hershman Leeson borrowed a camera to document the Feminist Art Movement, now dubbed by historians as one of the most significant art movements of the 20th century. Hershman Leeson captured their voices and took their stories straight to the silver screen with her documentary film, !Women Art Revolution, which made its debut at the 2011 Sundance Film Festival. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: Ice Ice Baby

Beautiful Godzilla: Ice Ice Baby

Riding a bicycle from October through March doesn’t even cross most of your minds. I know this because your bikes look shiny and new, and you look fat and slow come springtime. I’m just messing with you … This month I’m giving you some tips on how to make it through the “Greatest Snow on Earth” via bicycle—hobo style. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: Night Riders

Beautiful Godzilla: Night Riders

As the weather warms up—Ok, who are we kidding, it never really got cold—my favorite kind of bicycle rides, night rides, become more comfortable and, thus, more frequent. Riding a bike at night is awesome for various reasons: There’s less traffic, the inversion clears out in the winter and it’s cooler in the summer. The number one reason? A lot of fucked up shit goes down with the sun, and your bicycle’s the best saddle in the house to see it all. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: Ladies, Leave Your Man at Home

Beautiful Godzilla: Ladies, Leave Your Man at Home

Bike shops intimidate me. I don’t think it’s so much that I walk into a shop and there’s a whole bunch of dudes who know way more about bikes than I ever will throwing around bike mechanic gibberish—I’ve got mad respect for people who can do things I can’t (yet) do. I guess I just feel a little sheepish walking in there and asking them to switch out my pedals when I purchased a fixed gear primarily for its low maintenance. This is why the Salt Lake Bicycle Collective is one of the greatest places in all of Salt Lake. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: Will You Go To Prom With Me? Check _ Yes _ No

Beautiful Godzilla: Will You Go To Prom With Me? Check...

Last year fellow lady cyclist Agnes Robl and a handful of others decided Salt Lake City needed a bike prom. Jonathan Morrison of the Bicycle Collective, along with a bunch of help from some more dedicated cyclists, made it a reality. Wouldn’t you know it, the hands-down most fun dance I’ve ever been to, I attended stag. I said no to all of my suitors, matched my dress to my pink bike chain and danced the night away with friends and strangers after going on one of the best-dressed group rides in the history of Western bike civilization. … read more