Day 4: Monday, January 21, 2008
His & Hers – Review

His & Hers – Review

In an attempt to create a cohesive story by using a group of random females and the men in their lives, director Ken Wardrop chronologically profiles 70 different Irish women in various stages of life. … read more

Day 8: Friday, January 25, 2008
Day 9: Saturday, January 26, 2008
The Red Chapel – Review

The Red Chapel – Review

Under the leadership of General Kim Jong-il (a.k.a. the Dear Leader), North Koreass citizens have endured an unprecedented storm of fear and oppression. … read more

Vegetarian – Review

Vegetarian – Review

For some, it’s the crusade for animal rights or the desire to eat healthier when deciding to become vegetarian, but for Yeong-hye (Chea Min-Seo) all it took was a dream. … read more

Cyrus – Review

Cyrus – Review

The Duplass brothers return to Sundance with Cyrus, starring John C. Reilly, Jonah Hill and Marisa Tomei. … read more

Lucky – Review

Lucky – Review

Director Jeffery Blitz’s documentary humorously examines five past lottery winners and one hopeful, whose lives have been altered, in both good and bad ways. … read more

Zombie Girl – Review
Lovers of Hate – Review

Lovers of Hate – Review

Sibling rivalry can rip a family apart. Just ask aspiring author Rudy (Chris Doubek). … read more