Delicious Double Feature Deals

Delicious Double Feature Deals

It seems these days it’s every man, woman and child for themselves when it comes to saving cash. It’s Thunderdome out there, folks, and everyone wants a bargain! Although, is saving money by purchasing expired food really the way to go? Not if you don’t mind the stomach cramps and endless diarrhea. To make matters worse, the world of home entertainment is waving bye-bye to DVDs and welcoming high-def adventures on Blu-rays, which could take even more moolah out of your wallet. … read more



Being the TRON freak that I am (only 105 days remaining until the sequel, “TRON: Legacy”, is in theaters), I get as giddy as a school girl when anything is released regarding Steven Lisberger’s original creation. With Disney’s upcoming release, the amount of TRON merchandise gearing up to hit the streets is surging, and my anticipation is bursting through the seams of my plaid skirt.  … read more

Halo: Reach review

Halo: Reach review

This latest and greatest installment of the Halo series takes gamers to the beginning of the franchise’s dramatic saga and traces the battles and missions of six Spartan super soldiers known as the Noble Team. … read more

Project Nim

Project Nim

 The creative team behind the 2009 Academy Award-winning documentary “Man on Wire” offers their distinctive blended style of filmmaking to the tale of a chimpanzee, Nim, who was raised from birth in the same fashion as one would raise a human child for a scientific experiment…
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The Guard

The Guard

 Past writer (2003’s “Ned Kelly”) and now first-time director John Michael McDonagh serves up a delicious plate of dark comedy with a side of moving drama in the Irish cop dramedy, “The Guard”. Brendan Gleeson (known mostly for his representation of Alastor ‘Mad-Eye’ Moody in the Harry Potter series) stars as an offensive and selfish Irish police sergeant who doesn’t mind partaking in the finer delicacies of life such as drugs and Dublin prostitutes. … read more



The initial premise for Evan Glodell’s first feature film appears creative enough to be intriguing and engaging all at once. Woodrow (Glodell) and Aiden (Tyler Dawson) are two friends who spend their days preparing for the Apocalypse by constructing flamethrowers and muscle cars that spit fire in preparation for their two-man gang, Mother Medusa, to take over the community once chaos rains over the land. … read more



When you walk out of a film like “KNUCKLE”, you truly question your masculinity and what you’re willing to risk physically defending you and your family’s reputation. For over ten years, director Ian Palmer has documented an ongoing feud between a handful of traveler families (think Brad Pitt’s character in Guy Ritchie’s “Snatch”) in Ireland.  … read more



Within the first five minutes of Paddy Considine’s dramatic thriller, it’s blatantly clear the male lead is one of the most soulless characters to reach the screen in ages. Joseph (Peter Mullan) is an alcoholic with a gambling problem whose temper instigates unbelievably callous acts of violence. … read more



The idea of an overweight high school student who’s teased by his peers as he swoons over the most popular girl is nothing new, but Azazel Jacobs attempts to change up the clichéd concept by adding a whacky assistant principal who attempts to win students’ affection with mixed results. … read more

Red State

Red State

The publicity swirling around Kevin Smith’s religious thriller is nothing short of astonishing. The Sundance alum’s latest creation even ignited a protest from members of the Westboro Baptist Church during his premiere screening. … read more