Gallery Stroll  – October 2010

Gallery Stroll – October 2010

Sure, businesses open up all the time, but art galleries take a special risk during times of financial hardship. Art is usually purchased with disposable income, and let’s be honest, who has disposable income anymore? To fight the good fight, you have to be creative, and these galleries are taking risks and setting new rules.  … read more

Bellyography – October 2010

Bellyography – October 2010

In the world of Middle Eastern dance, Meada is definitely one of a kind.  She has been involved in the Salt Lake dance community for almost 20 years, and in that time, she has managed to not only stay with the same teacher for 17 years, but has danced with the same troupe for 16 years.  Meada is dedicated to the dance and loyal to those with whom she performs—admirable qualities to have in an often fickle and changing environment such as belly dancing. … read more

The White Rectangle–Modern Dance as . . . Modern:
 A Review of Ririe-Woodbury Dance 
Company’s Configurations

The White Rectangle–Modern Dance as . . . Modern:

Just last week Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company got its 2010/2011 season off to an energetic start with a presentation of Configurations. This show included pieces by four different choreographers, working on either the regional or international level. Though the audience could have been larger on Thursday, the enthusiasm of the crowd—for Ririe-Woodbury specifically, and modern dance in generally—was unmistakable, and it’s hard not to catch the same spirit. … read more

Gallery Stroll – September 2010

Gallery Stroll – September 2010

Time to go back to school. If the calendar hasn’t told you, the temperature change or fall foliage could be your sign. My experience is that once September hits, as much as I love summer, I’m so fried with all the BBQs and festivals that I need time to refocus and apply myself. In the spirit of trying new things and bettering one’s self, I personally recommend a course on fine art taught by the Continuing Education Department at the School of Life. … read more

Bellyography: Rebecca

Bellyography: Rebecca

One of the most difficult aspects of any artistic endeavor is having the ability to open yourself to your audience.  Shy by nature, Rebecca has learned to use dance to communicate the rich beauty of her spirit.  Her level of trust expands with every solo performance, and the audience is allowed more and more into Rebecca’s lush and vivid inner landscape. … read more

Gallery Stroll – August 2010

Gallery Stroll – August 2010

The Salt Lake Gallery Stroll is a free public event held on the third Friday of every month from 6 to 9 p.m. It provides us working folk the rare opportunity to explore the city on a self-guided tour via Salt Lake’s art galleries. You don’t have to wait for Gallery Stroll to check out art, but if you need to know where to go, peep the details below.  … read more



In the world of belly dancing, people come and people go. It is especially wonderful when an energetic and exciting dancer returns. One such a dancer is Shazia, who has come back to the Utah Middle Eastern dance scene after several years’ absence, bringing with her a boundless enthusiasm and a perpetual joy for dancing. … read more

Gallery Stroll – July 2010

Gallery Stroll – July 2010

Who needs the Kayo Gallery? It might seem like a peculiar question given the popularity of Kayo, but an appropriate one for the patrons of this month’s Gallery Stroll. The Kayo Gallery is in need of an immediate cash infusion to stay alive for the next twelve months. Sales from the July show will be the deciding factor on whether Kayo will remain in business for another year. … read more

Gallery Stroll – June 2010

Gallery Stroll – June 2010

In honor of SLUG’s Annual Beer issue, and especially because drinking beer with friends is my favorite pastime year-round, this SLUG reporter hit the streets / bars in search of your monthly art experience. … read more

Bellyography: Aubrilynn – May 2010

Bellyography: Aubrilynn – May 2010

 Aubrilynn not only takes my breath away every time I watch her dance, but she also lights and ignites any place she is dancing. Aubrilynn’s talent, command of the art and stage presence seem mature beyond her sixteen years.  She has been gifted with natural talent, beauty and style. Her performances are hypnotic and professional, whether dancing solo or in a troupe. Although she is young and still has much to learn, it is quite obvious that this young lady was born to dance. … read more