Creature Feature: Cartel Chameleon Fenice, Public Trans

Creature Feature: Cartel Chameleon Fenice, Public Trans

Within younger generations, drag culture is at a crossroads; our age is a chameleonic one, and post-Internet, we’re in a remarkable moment of subcultural revival. Cartel and the Bad Kids are bringing their mutant message to Salt Lake’s divided communities, straight and queer. … read more

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We Could Be Heroes: The Mythology of Monsters and Heroes in Contemporary Art @ Brigham Young University Museum of Art 03.11

We Could Be Heroes: The Mythology of Monsters and Heroes...

Some Salt Lakers steer clear of this quaint college town, Provo,  just 45 minutes south of SLC. Personally, I’m drawn to its chaste charm, its cheap food and its kind, conservatively dressed population. Furthermore, the MOA is perhaps my favorite museum in the state, partially because it’s free, partially because it boasts a variety of world-class collections of art. Its exhibits are dynamic as they are diverse. Plus, it has the absolute best gift shop of any museum I’ve ever visited. … read more

Evil Dead: The Musical: Director Chance Newman Talks Blood and Ballads

Evil Dead: The Musical: Director Chance Newman Talks Blood and...

This spring, Last Chance Productions will be bringing Evil Dead: The Musical to the Grand Theatre. Director/producer Chance Newman was groovy enough to sit down with SLUG to discuss the unique challenges that come with crafting a musical that features seven different kinds of blood.  … read more

Designer Profile: Nephi Garcia

Designer Profile: Nephi Garcia

I fell in love with Nephi Garcia’s designs before I ever met him. I first saw his dress – a red structured piece with alligator imprinted patent leather detail down the back and exaggerated high studded shoulders, at a party at Ulysses Salon. … read more

Joey Arias and Kristian Hoffman @ Urban Lounge 02.28 with the Bad Kids

Joey Arias and Kristian Hoffman @ Urban Lounge 02.28 with...

Called the “demigod of the demimonde” by Time Out New York, Joey Arias has made a career out of following the twists and turns of drag and performance culture since 1976, when he drove from L.A. to New York with dreams of performing. … read more

Paul Vigil: Utah’s Second Magic Prophet

Paul Vigil: Utah’s Second Magic Prophet

Paul Vigil’s weekly parlor performances are up close, casual and feature tinges of the supernatural, or as Vigil says, “It will make you go home and wonder what the hell just happened.” … read more

Coleman Barks with David Darling performing the poetry of Rumi

Coleman Barks with David Darling performing the poetry of Rumi

When I first read Rumi, the universe as I knew it exploded. Suddenly, I started realizing that the connections I share with others are bound by spontaneity, and I was opened to new levels of love. Reading Rumi is a transformative experience, and it’s something that I owe to Coleman Barks, a scholar who is well known for his translations of the Sufi poet. Although Coleman Barks doesn’t actually speak or read Farsi, what he’s done for the accessibility of this Sufi mystic—by re-translating the translations from AJ Arberry and Reynold A Nicholson—is something worthwhile to note. … read more

Joey Arias @ Urban Lounge 02.28

Joey Arias @ Urban Lounge 02.28

Joey Arias performed to an adoring crowd at Urban Lounge. Local drag troupe The Bad Kids opened the show. … read more

Movie Reviews 3/13

Movie Reviews 3/13

A Good Day to Die Hard, Identity Thief, Sound City, Stoker and West of Memphis are reviewed. … read more

2013 Banff Mountain Film Festival @ Kingsbury Hall 02.19-21

2013 Banff Mountain Film Festival @ Kingsbury Hall 02.19-21

Twenty-two years ago, the Banff Mountain Film Festival made its debut at the University of Utah. The inaugural year attracted only 125 viewers. For this year, the venue was sold out. … read more