Action Sports
Greasy Wrenching for Kids at the SLC Bicycle Collective’s Earn-A-Bike...
The Bicycle Collective is a full community bike shop with virtually every tool one could ever need to keep a bike up and running. The Collective promotes cycling as a clean and healthy mode of transportation and, according to Catharine Scott, the Coordinator of the Earn-A-Bike Program, teaches kids about the benefits of riding bikes and gives them access and knowledge to fix their own bikes.
The Litas: The Other Sunday Sisterhood
After having ridden with the Litas, I am refreshed and motivated by a group of fearless ladies who have had the same challenges and fears as me. I want to do what I can to spread the gospel of the bike to other ladies.
Human-Powered Rollercoasters: a Brief History of the Alleycat Race
John Englar was inspired by the New York punk scene in the ’80s—where kids soaked the streets with piss, started street fights, and blew through lights around the city; where freaks and outcasts thrived and clubs held dank shows full of moshing bodies.
Parker Garrett: Bloody Feets
Recently, SLUG had a chance to catch up with up-and-coming Utah County skateboarder Parker Garrett outside of Utah County indoor skate park, Banzai. He is a Provo native who is not shy to think outside of the box and get his feet bloody every now and then, and is helping progress the Provo skate scene with his skill set. This 21-year-old has a relaxed style that you can’t help but watch.
Ride Bikes, Damn It: Jake Matsukawa Skidding the Streets
Jake Matsukawa of 3Bs Krew has been thrashing around the city for seven years, and his reckless and punked-out style goes to show that the more times your crank makes a revolution and the more times your middle finger goes in the air, the better you know your city. I sat down with Matsukawa, track and fixie rogue and one of the original organizers of the 3Bs Krew, to see how the mastermind has launched their races and footage collection.
Secondhand Soul: The Story of the Ogden Bicycle Collective
Nestled in an unassuming neighborhood of single-story bungalows on Ogden’s east side sits a low-level brick building with stunning views of Mt. Ogden and the Wasatch Front. This is the new home of The Ogden Bicycle Collective (OBC), located on the quiet corner of 936 E. and 28th Street.
SLUG Holiday Comix – May 2015
Every year, we celebrate Bike Month in May, fixing up our beloved companions that have lain dormant for the long winter months.
Cam Wood: SLUG BMX Photo Feature
Cam Wood has been around forever. From having standout parts in Killjoy and That’s It, running The Wood Shop BMX shop and riding professionally for S&M Bikes for several years, Cam is someone that needs no introduction.
SLUG Skate Photo Feature: Eric Clark
Back in mid-March, two carloads of skaters from Arizona came to Utah to skate for a week. You may have seen them at Provo Park, or at the University of Utah, or jumping off your dumpster behind your BYU apartment complex.
HVDD: Rollin Rebellion vs Daughters of Anarchy 04.11
The last time I crossed the Salt Lake County line into Utah County—way, way down south—the ladies of the Happy Valley Derby Darlins were still operating and playing out of an old Food4Less Building. They had turned some very large number of square feet of an abandoned grocery store into their new HQ, the Shove Shack. … read more