Action Sports
HartBreaker: A Jon Hart Story
I’ve known Jon Hart for a little over ten years, since he was about fifteen. I recently met his mom for the first time and she wondered why we’d never met. He told her it was because he didn’t want her to know he was out skating with grown ass men when he was a teenager. Back in the day, Jon was this kid we all used to see at the St. George Skatepark. He had a mean kickflip even back then. Him and his buddies would go and skate all the old spots, like the Pine View High rail and the Dixie High big four/ledges. … read more
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Levi Faust: Iceman
“Iceman: it’s the way he flies, ice cold, no mistakes … ” That quote is right out of Top Gun and if you’ve ever seen Levi Faust skate, then you know it describes him perfectly. His focus is impeccable. You can see it in his face as he rolls up to a spot, feet perfectly placed, eyes locked on the target. He understands skating like most can never comprehend. I think it’s all the sugar he eats. … read more
Rough Side Of Da Trax
It could have been any hot summer Saturday—it should be every hot summer Saturday. We met at the newly constructed testament of the human will: Brick and Mortar skate shop. I was greeted by a mass of smiling friends, my extended family—a sweaty, dirty, wounded, raised-by-the-streets pack of wolves—blood brothers. The UTA Trax approached, we boarded, and anarchy ensued. … read more
Salty Peaks/ Element Flat Bar-B-Q Rail Jam
Salty Peaks and Element hosted a rail jam and free bbq on August 29 2010. Just off to the side of Salty Peaks in the parking lot was a street course with a funbox, rainbow rail and some other stuff to get tech with. … read more
The Glorious Death of an Otherwise Inglorious Pool …
When I got a call from a friend telling me that there was a backyard pool just waiting to be cleaned out and skated, I jumped on it. Donovan McArthur just so happened to have a beautifully shaded pool in his backyard that had been an insect breeding ground for too long. I knew that it would definitely be a tough job for one person, so Spock and I set a date to clean it out and prepare it for a jam session. … read more
Josh Martinez. ‘nuf sed.
About two years ago I received a text message from Josh Martinez about writing a trivia column to give away a deck he had. It fell through the cracks because we were both hella busy and the content we were pushing out around then was too rad to cut. Afterwards, I stayed in contact and have come to know him from filming and jumping around town with him at bars and life in general. … read more
Hungry Hungry Hipolito
When I agreed to interview Hippo, I assumed it would go just like any other interview: meet up, shoot the shit, take some photos, write the article. Man, was I wrong. Turns out he’s another struggling dude just like me. After three weeks of missed calls, no replies and failed meetings, we eventually chatted through his filmer’s email account (you have a filmer but not email?). Here’s how the conversation unfolded. … read more
Shop Talk with Brick & Mortar
Hondo opened SLC’s first ever skate-only shop, Brick & Mortar (561 W 200 S), on July 31. It’s a fresh lookin’ shop, but don’t get confused, it’s not FICE in there. Hondo says, “The way I see it, I can’t sell a pair of pants for $200 when that’s 20 hours of work or half of someone’s rent.” You’re only going to find useful skate products in this shop. … read more
Stuntin’ Like Yo Daddy
It was a casual, sunny Sunday afternoon when my phone rang. The call was about a super shredding session in Heber Park. “So sick,” I thought to myself, to escape the toxic carbon dioxide soup in the city and fill my lungs with the fresh mountain air. I was thinking it would be a mellow afternoon of snake lines and 5-0 grinds. Little did I know there would be a pack of heavyweight rippers, all literally old enough to be my father, going off in the deep end. … read more
Pivot-butter & Skate-jam Slamwich: S.O.D. Busk Till Dusk
The first event in SLUG’s annual Summer of Death skate competitions, Busk Till Dusk, was hosted on a hot-as-fuck July evening. Skaters from all around Utah gathered in the parking lot behind Burt’s Tiki Lounge to skate on ramps, quarterpipes, boxes and rails, some hand built by the Summer of Death crew and others donated by Ezra Moss of Annex Skate. … read more