Not Just Another Day in Salt Lake

Not Just Another Day in Salt Lake

Last year in late spring, I got to break away from the scene with Derek Dennison and Jace Foster to head up to Ogden for a day of fun-inthe- sun urban snowboarding. … read more

SLUG Games: Beat the Pro

SLUG Games: Beat the Pro

On Saturday, Feb. 21, 2009 an arsenal of kids armed with skis and snowboards went head to head against pro skiers and riders at The Canyons in the SLUG Games and Celtek Gloves Beat the Pro contest, the second and final SLUG Games comp of the season. … read more

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Photo Feature: Mikey LeBlanc

Photo Feature: Mikey LeBlanc

It’s a rare day that Mikey LeBlanc is jumping off something that has anything but a completely flat landing. … read more

Photo Feature: Darrell Mathes

Photo Feature: Darrell Mathes

Andy Wright’s took this awesome photo of Darrell Mathes hitting a rail in Ogden. … read more

Candy Land Candy Jam

Candy Land Candy Jam

Brighton Ski Resort is the epicenter of all things new, hip and ridiculous in snow culture today. The resort was also the first stop of the 2009 SLUG Games. The Candy Land Candy Jam was held on Jan. 10, 2009 on a brisk, sunny day at Brighton. … read more

The Bro (Not Pro) Checkout

The Bro (Not Pro) Checkout

For the past three years that I have worked at Brighton there has been one familiar face that I always see. I had never really talked to him, but we would give the occasional Hello and get on with our business. His name is Eric Achter and he has been living the dream at Brighton Ski Resort for 40 years. … read more

Sarah Phillips

Sarah Phillips

By the end of April I’ve usually had enough goddamn snow to hold me over until a visit to the southern hemisphere in August (sometimes longer). But at the end of last season this limey Sarah Philips would not stop blowing up my phone. … read more

Teaching ‘Fun’damentals With Chill

Teaching ‘Fun’damentals With Chill

The program, which originated in Burlington, Vermont in ‘96, has become an international activity. Now, based in 14 locations worldwide, it’s a way to reach less fortunate kids and allow them to enjoy the mountain life. Now in its sixth year in Utah, Chill serves over a hundred youth who without this opportunity would never get to experience snowboarding. … read more

Snow Premiers

Snow Premiers

Team Thunder Productions Saddle up to Premier Gold Country … read more

I Ride Park City Film Premier

I Ride Park City Film Premier

I Ride Park City had its world debut Tuesday, Aug. 26 at the bottom of Park City’s town lift. It was a gathering of pros, bros, some hos, kids, parents, the rest of the snowboard community plus one drunken two stepping river dancer. … read more