A Sustainable Future for Local Beer
Brewing beer itself is not the most environmentally friendly business—it’s a complicated process involving a lot of water, energy and movement of heavy materials. It invariably comes with a lot of waste, which is why a local brewery working hard to offset these costs, while bringing you a high quality product, means so much to people here in Utah. Uinta Brewing has been doing its part by working toward energy self-sufficiency for over a decade. … read more
Heeeeeeere’s Johnny! The New Face of Moab Brewery
Chances are, you’ve noticed a couple new beers in the cooler at grocery stores and gas stations. The bold red, white and blue bull’s-eye of Johnny’s American IPA and the vintage, checkered turquoise-and-white Rocket Bike American Lager stand out on the shelf, both in appearance and size. If you looked closer at the four-pack of 16 oz tallboys, you may have been surprised to see that they were from Moab Brewery. … read more
Stop, Collaborate and Brew It!
You may have noticed a new advertising scheme that has developed over the past few years: co-branding and product collaborations. By utilizing this marketing tool, local and domestic brands can step outside their designated target audience and embrace those with similiar ideals. Brewvies, X96 and The Arts Fest are a few local organizations that have figured out the best collaborations are those that include alcohol. … read more
Finding the Drink of the Gods: The Hive Winery and...
The idea for The Hive Winery originated when Jay and Lori Yahne, who both work as engineers, began experiencing difficulties with the recent economic crash. The Yahnes had been home brewing for around 15 years, so starting a business focused on brewing seemed natural. In addition to using local honey and fruit in their production, The Hive also sells a few local honeys and fruit spreads at their site in Layton. … read more
Epic Proportions: A Clever Way to Get What You Need
With the complex and convoluted liquor laws in Utah, breweries have had to get creative in the methods they employ to get their products to the masses. “Because of the laws brought about by S.B. 314, we had essentially been excluded from selling our beers on Sundays and holidays,” says co-founder David Cole. In order to overcome this setback, Epic opened up a sandwich shop inside their facility. … read more
Utah’s Best Beerfest
I would personally like to invite you all to a beerfest! Utah’s best beerfest in fact. We have close to 60 breweries from all over the West coming to this beer festival. There will be approximately 220 different beers at our super beer soirée, but there’s a slight problem with our beer festival: We have to hold it in Idaho. I know, it’s a bit confusing, but if you look at it this way, it might make more sense. … read more
Homebrewed: An Interview with Kincade Bauer
Over the last decade, Salt Lake City has seen exponential growth in the craft beer scene—the sturdy backbone of this movement has been the home brewers. One of these home brew aficionados is Kincade Bauer. Bauer worked closely in Salt Lake City’s music scene as a promoter for years and currently works as a liquor rep and as the Beam Ambassador for Utah. Despite slinging booze in his working life, it has not stopped him from crafting his own libations at home as a hobby. … read more
Add a Dash of Local Art: Kory Olson
Kory Olson is the featured artist for May 2012’s Add a Dash of Local Art exhibit. His work will be hanging at Whole Foods Trolley Square on the west wall of the café through May 31. … read more
Velo City Bags Speeds into Downtown
Since the inception of Velo City Bags in 2008, owner and creator Nathan Larsen has adorned cyclists and others with handmade, colorful and well built messenger bags and backpacks as they cruise around the city. As his bags have caught on, he made the long-awaited move into his first storefront in downtown Salt Lake in mid-February. I sat down with Larsen in his new shop to pick his brain on the new location and the high-quality goods within. … read more
Suds n’ Studs
For our fifth annual beer issue, SLUG Mag invited local brewers from around the state to take some sultry and playful photos. Seek no further to see which bad boys let it all out and which nice guys still have a secret to share. We suggest you enjoy these sexy n’ sassy shots by cracking open your favorite, local brew that was handcrafted by one of these fine gentlemen while you relax in a bubble bath. … read more