Book Reviews – August 2009

Book Reviews – August 2009

Book reviews for August, including Black Tooth Grin, Gun with Occassional Music, The Heavy Metal Fun Time Actvity Book, and Stripmalling. … read more

Video Game Reviews – August 2009

Video Game Reviews – August 2009

August video game reviews for Ninja Blade, Overlord II, Prototype, Red Faction: Guerrilla and a web exclusive review of Fuel. … read more

Whiskey Reviews: High West

Whiskey Reviews: High West

When someone throws out the word “craft” in the alcohol industry, my first instinct is to assume they are talking about beer. David Perkins (head whiskey-maker at High West) is pioneering professional distillation in Utah and  it is looking like that title ought not be reserved for beer alone. … read more

Food Review: Road Island Diner

Food Review: Road Island Diner

Diners have always held a special place in my heart. Greasy food, handmade desserts and dim lighting—the trifecta of honest road-side eating—have long made me a fan of this style of restaurant.  As essential as the food is though, the setting can be even more important.  A great burger or a fantastic breakfast special can easily be overshadowed by chintzy décor or a poorly trained wait staff.  The opposite can also be true.  The right surroundings can make even average food seem immortal. It is in the combination of great food and an incredible atmosphere that the Road Island Diner really shines. … read more

Product Reviews – August 2009

Product Reviews – August 2009

Product reviews for August 2009 featuring Aggronautix, Powell, Crucible, The Green Element, Sneaky Steve, Irie Eyes and Reflex Bearings. … read more

Skate Park Etiquette

Skate Park Etiquette

This month I’m going to touch on the subject of keeping the park clean. I mean, what’s worse than hitting a fart rock at ten miles per hour? Well, it could be stepping in some douchebag’s chewed up gum in your brand new kicks.  I know that you don’t own the park or anything, but if you skate there on a daily basis it’s your unspoken job to clean that bitch up. … read more

Skate Terminator: Matt Fisher

Skate Terminator: Matt Fisher

I think Matt Fisher is a terminator. He seems to be sent from the future to destroy Utah County’s spots.  It can’t be a coincidence that he is on the same shoe team (DC, who gave Matt a “Golden Ticket” to their King of Chicago contest) as Danny Way (who I heard is actually from Mars, not the future).
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Above the Crowds: Kevin Fedderson

Above the Crowds: Kevin Fedderson

Everyone knows that a lot of the younger skateboarders today are progressing at a level beyond comprehension, and that’s exactly what drew me to Kevin Fedderson in the first place. I remember running into him at Sandy Park when I was still in high school and every time I saw him there, he had at least two or more new tricks dialed in and on lock. We met up on a Saturday to go skate and just to get to know each other a little better. The day couldn’t have been better.
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No Sleep Til’ Brooklyn

No Sleep Til’ Brooklyn

New York was the first destination in a recent trip I took. I was there for a short time but it was the first time I actually really got to skate there. Every other time, it was with family or just to drink myself silly. This time, I remained strangely sober and did a ton of skating in the course of a few days. Here are a few random observations if you plan to take a skate trip to New York. … read more

Room For One More: The Salt Lake City Film Festival

Room For One More: The Salt Lake City Film Festival
By ,

Forget freezing your ass off in Park City while hoping to snag a peek of Paris Hilton at some exclusive screening that you probably won’t be getting into.  On August 14, 15 and 16 Chris Bradshaw, Matt Whittaker and the rest of their nine-person staff are bringing a brand new film fest to Salt Lake––the Salt Lake City Film Festival. 
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