Product Reviews – April 2009

Product Reviews – April 2009

Product reviews from t-shirts to coffee table books. … read more

Mike Brown Fest

Mike Brown Fest

What do you get when you mix beer, skateboarding, loud-as-fuck guitar-destroying metal and obnoxious idiots dressed like sperm throwing used condoms at the crowd? The answer: the first ever Mike Brown Fest. … read more

Photo Feature: Seth Huot

Photo Feature: Seth Huot

Weber State has to be the biggest tease anywhere. The place is an endless wonderland of rails and ledges, but it’s also probably one of the biggest busts on the face of the earth. … read more

Skate Park Etiquette: I Hate Skate

Skate Park Etiquette: I Hate Skate

This month’s park etiquette is on playing SKATE at the park and it’s kind of an oxymoron to tell you young bucks not to do it, since it is, in fact, called a skate park. … read more

Ted Borland Profile

Ted Borland Profile

Ted Borland is a humble rider who kills just about everything in sight on his winter shred stick. … read more

Dreaming of Warm Summer Nights: An Escape to Arizona

Dreaming of Warm Summer Nights: An Escape to Arizona

Wintertime can be quite depressing. I decided to talk to Kendall Johnson, a colleague and one of the newest Odeus Apparel riders, who was also feeling the same way about taking a week long adventure to the land of sun: Arizona. … read more

Inversion Trawler: An Ill Wind That Blows No Good

Inversion Trawler: An Ill Wind That Blows No Good

Oom was convinced we didn’t have a chance of getting an interview with Cumorah Hill-de Garde. … read more

Mike Brown: The Worst Job I’ve Ever Had

Mike Brown: The Worst Job I’ve Ever Had

Work sucks. Fuck work. When people ask me what I do for a living, I usually just say that I am a freelance capitalist. … read more

420: 8 Minutes Too Late

420: 8 Minutes Too Late

4:20. 4/20. 420. They can mean a time, a date, or a stoner mating call on any social networking site. … read more

If You’re Not Tippin’, You’re Trippin’

If You’re Not Tippin’, You’re Trippin’

When the good people at SLUG asked me to check out the menus at a few of the titty bars around town, I was a little less than enthusiastic, but I figured “what the fuck? Tits, ass and a burger or two––how bad could it be?” … read more