Review: Branches and Twigs
If you’re a typical resident of Salt Lake City, or perhaps even just “The West,” there’s a chance that your ancestors aren’t very clear, mentally. Meaning, you can’t say much about your greatgreat-grandparents other than that you have a vague awareness that they belonged to the nomadic, proletariat mass of people who left their homes at some point for greener pastures. … read more
Review: Victim: Unknown
In a contemporary time, an ordinary man is turned into a deadly gunman. The protagonist was a man who was beaten, raped and watched his bastard son’s mother participate in group sex with the whole junior varsity football team on prom night. … read more
Review: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Pulverizer Power
Growing up, I watched all the geeky Saturday morning cartoons I could—X-Men, Batman, Spiderman and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were my favorites. … read more
Review: Hello Ladies: Complete First Season and The Movie
There is an entire episode with a rented limo that feeds Pritchard’s ego to narcissistic heights and epic failures. Later, his attempts to fit in with the gay crowd at a dinner party results in telling stolen jokes that get him into hot water. … read more
Review: The Wire: The Complete Series
The Wire is not your average police procedural about hero cops and inhuman criminal acts. … read more
Review: Rebel Galaxy
Rebel Galaxy
Double Damage Games
Reviewed on: PC
Also on: PS4, Xbox One, Mac
Street: 05.18
Every time I’ve played a game that puts me in charge of a spaceship, I’ve inevitably been disappointed. There’s always something that precludes an experience that should essentially be a simulated version of Joss Whedon’s Firefly. … read more
Review: Amphetamine Blues: Issues 1 and 2
I was greeted upon opening the monochromatic first issue by a photo of a lacy thong hanging off a stiletto heel and a blurb about the editor, Sakellis Manos, aka “~manoc~”. Amphetamine Blues publishes album reviews, both new and old, as well as interviews, quotes from well-known musicians and simple biographies of underground, lesser-known bands. … read more
Review: psyscrolr
I had hopes for Actos Games’ psyscrolr because it was pitched to me as an indie horror platformer for the Wii U that mainly uses the touchpad, which all sounds great. … read more
Review: Uncle John’s Lists That Make You Go Hmmm…
Aside from their massive tomes of knowledge, the Uncle John’s series has also had a grand catalog of oddity books that, while they may not fit into the regular series, prove to be informational and fun. Lists That Make You Go Hmmm… is a great example of an era long gone with the random fact-checking of Wikipedia and Google. … read more
Review: Homemade Gin Kit
Ever stare down a bottle of Beehive Gin and wonder how many distinct ingredients are at work in such a spirit? Or maybe you’ve thought to yourself, “Gee, could I ever make something that tasty for myself?” Well, with the help of W&P Design’s Homemade Gin Kit, you can master the art of making your own gin—in 36 hours, no less. … read more