Complete and Utter History of Vile Blue Shades

Complete and Utter History of Vile Blue Shades

“If it’s a sample of John Thursday she’s after, his head is already up. I lay her skirt up to her belly and slip her pants down …”
~Under the Roofs of Paris, Henry Miller … read more

Ample Fire Within: An interview with ASCEND

Ample Fire Within: An interview with ASCEND

Greg Anderson, mad scientist behind such projects as Goatsnakeand SunnO))), has a history with SLUG Magazine. “I picked upa copy of the SLUG sometime in 1998 while I was on tour,” saysAnderson, “and the issue I got just happened to have a reviewof Sleep’s Jerusalem release.” The reviewer not only trashed therecord, but caused Anderson’s jealousy to flare up. … read more

Alternatively Wired: A 10-Year Anniversary Celebration of Area 51

Alternatively Wired: A 10-Year Anniversary Celebration of Area 51

Alan Moss isn’t typical, and his club, Area 51, isn’t run-of-the-mill either. It is somewhat surprising to learn that Area 51 is celebrating its 10th anniversary. Area 51 has stuck to alternative and ’80s music and has been there to rescue goth/industrial patrons when they found themselves marooned without a venue. … read more

Utah Ska

Utah Ska

It may be hard to believe, but at one time ska was a genre of music loved by many in Utah. During the 1990s, local ska bands like Swim Herschel Swim and Stretch Armstrong were regularly drawing hundreds ofpeople to their shows, and Utah was one of the biggest markets fortouring ska bands. … read more

Eat Your Words Dwarves: You ARE Coming to SLC

Eat Your Words Dwarves: You ARE Coming to SLC

Kevin Kirk founded the Heavy Metal Shop 21 Years ago in 1987. SingerBlag Dahlia (and guitarist He Who Cannot Be Named) founded theDwarves 22 years ago in 1986. SLUG thought is would be cool to get thesetwo old fuckers on the phone, record their conversation and print it righthere�for you to read.
  … read more

Smile! Japan’s Boris is Headed to SLC

Smile! Japan’s Boris is Headed to SLC

For those of you who have never experienced the sheer earfuck that isJapan’s Boris, it’s not too late to get on theboat. With their latest release on SouthernLord, Smile, Boris has once again shown themasses why they refuse to be pigeon-holedand are constantly re-writing what heavymusic “should be.” By some sheer stroke ofinsane luck, I was granted an e-mail interviewwith Atsuo, Boris’s drummer and apparentspokesman … read more

Loud and Clear: The Life and Times of a SLC Hardcore Band

Loud and Clear: The Life and Times of a SLC...

Years before Trent Nelson became Chief Photographer for The Salt Lake Tribune, he was shooting photos of Salt Lake City punk rock shows. Some of the most compelling images from his 1998 collection at are of the Salt Lake hardcore band Clear, due to the sheer emotional intensity that appears to be pouring out of each member. … read more

Rise Again: Norwegian Heavy Metal Fanzine Slayer is Back in Print

Rise Again: Norwegian Heavy Metal Fanzine Slayer is Back in...

Media is a multifaceted prism through which we filter our entertainment—evaluating the opinions of reviewers and publishers and then deciding which albums, films, plays and books are likely to mesh with our own interests and appetites. … read more

London After Midnight

London After Midnight

While the group has been somewhat of a revolving door for musicians, the mainstay has been Mr. Brennan, who was kind enough to grant SLUG an interview via e-mail in anticipation of their appearance here in Salt Lake … read more

A Testament to Metal

A Testament to Metal

When you think about it, all the thrash-metal bands that started their career in the 80s, especially from the Bay Area, either called it quits when the “grunge” 90s hit and left it at that, or they reunited when thrash metal became cool again. … read more