SLUG Magazine’s collection of reviews covering the latest and greatest of Utah-based music, covering all varieties of genre, style and type.

Local Review: Marijean – Shades of Green

Local Review: Marijean – Shades of Green

Marijean= Sun Kil Moon x (Nick Drake – vocals) + Daniel Johnston … read more

Local Review: BYSTS – Offer Your Throat

Local Review: BYSTS – Offer Your Throat

BYSTS = Mourn + Preoccupations (formerly Viet Cong) + Chelsea Wolfe … read more

Local Music Reviews September 2017

Local Music Reviews September 2017

Utah-local reviews of BYSTS, Mooninite and more. … read more

Local Review: Contaminated Intelligence – The Day Before

Local Review: Contaminated Intelligence – The Day Before

Contaminated Intelligence = Atari Teenage Riot + God Module / Pysclon 9 … read more