Localized: The Obliterate Plague, Rico Black and Cave of Roses – February 2008

Localized: The Obliterate Plague, Rico Black and Cave of Roses...

Localized is SLUG’s monthly local band showcase happening on the second Friday of each month. February’s series features The Obliterate Plague, Rico Black and openers, Cave of Roses giving out a dose of rocking tunes for your ear bleeding enjoyment Feb. 8 at the Urban Lounge (a private club for members). … read more

Vampire Weekend

Vampire Weekend

Shame on any of you who considered going to this show and then made some lame excuse about the weather. Sure, there was the large possibility of your tin-can car dying, or better yet, crashing on unplowed roads. Sure, you’d rather stay warm in bed than huddle around the fire pit or cram into the shack at Kilby. … read more

SLUG Mag’s Top 5 of 2007

SLUG Mag’s Top 5 of 2007

 SLUG Staff share their top 5s for the year. … read more

Loose Joints; Matt Wolf’s Wild Combination: A Portrait of Arthur Russell

Loose Joints; Matt Wolf’s Wild Combination: A Portrait of Arthur...

I first heard Arthur Russell’s music in 2004 when I was driving with a friend to the Spiral Jetty. What was interesting about Russell’s music was that on one hand his voice had the confessional lull of Nick Drake and on the other, gentle dance beats round out a sound that can only be described as singer/dancewriter music. … read more

Localized: Funk and Gonzo, Dacho and Sackcloth – January 2008

Localized: Funk and Gonzo, Dacho and Sackcloth – January 2008

Localized is SLUG’s monthly local band showcase happening on the second Friday of each month. January’s series features Funk and Gonzo, Dacho and openers Sackcloth and Ashes dropping positive vibes on you January 11th at the Urban Lounge (a private club for members). Tickets are five dollars at the door. Do what you know is best for your life; show up and bust a move!  … read more

Dirty Tactics Show Review

Dirty Tactics Show Review

I was in a bad mood when I went to Burt’s Tiki Lounge to see Bring Your Guns. They were playing with bands I had never heard. Thus, I was speaking aural atrocities and dealing with unbearable boredom. I walked nervously into Burt’s, ordered the hipster ambrosia (PBR), and settled into a corner. … read more

Flogging Molly Show Review

Flogging Molly Show Review

I love Flogging Molly. I love their music, and I used to love their live shows. Unfortunately, I think that they’ve just given way to popular demand to continue playing medium-sized venues. … read more