Local Music Reviews
Vincent Draper and the Dirty Thirty
Wandering Man
Street: 07.27
Vincent Draper and the Dirty Thirty = Chuck Ragan + Lucero + Nick Lowe
When it comes to Utah and musical identity other than the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, we’ve got very little. I’d like to propose that the Vincent Draper sound become the official sound of Utah. It’s deeply rooted in folk traditions, but somehow manages to be fresh and original—it’s definitely earthy in its tone, and while you can hear influences from all over, it stands on its own. The SAM EP is mostly slow in the going, but each song feels like a refreshing, deep breath of air with nothing rushed. Wistful and somewhat romantic, Draper’s vulnerable lyrics feel as though he couldn’t be saying anything more honest. Vincent Draper and his comrade Charles Ellsworth are able to tap into their psyche and reach that part of themselves that is solely theirs and bring it to the forefront of this Americana or, hopefully, soon-to-be Utah-cana music. –James Orme