
Review: Digital Leather – All Faded

National Music Reviews


Digital Leather
All Faded

FDH Records
Street: 06.23
Digital Leather = New World Army + Chrome + Kraftwerk

The simplistic lyrics and post-punk sound of this release took me back in time. The budding synthesizer and muffled beats capture the experimental new wave sound of the early ’80s. This collaboration of tracks would fit right into the soundtrack of the cult movie Logan’s Run. The catchy hook of the song “Stay in Bed” was so bouncy and happy, I didn’t see how the title fit the track name—it made me want to jump on a pogo stick and bounce around town. The lyrical style and booming keys on “Deadlines” make this track stand out the most to me. I loved the chip tune similarities in it, but the lyrics are youthful. This is good music, but it is cheesy, and something you have to be in the mood for. It is perfect for those emotional teens struggling in high school. –Mistress Nancy