National Music Reviews
Good Riddance
Peace in Our Time
Fat Wreck
Street: 04.21
Good Riddance = Lagwagon + (early) Offspring + ALL
Good Riddance may be the ultimate example of “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.” Their hard-hitting, fast-paced melodic punk rock has only been refined over time, becoming sharper and more lush. The first studio album from these guys in 9 years definitely carries the weight of some maturity, but don’t fret—there’s still plenty of punk to skate to on this record. I’d have to say, musically, everything is tighter and lyrically, it’s top-notch writing. Lead singer Russ Rankin has a rasp to his voice which is only a gift from age. It’s amazing that something seemingly so based in youth such as punk rock can still be so enjoyable as I get older and that artists like these guys are still pushing themselves while maintaining their level of intensity and passion they’ve had their entire career. –James Orme