National Music Reviews
Creaked Records
Street: 03.09
Larytta = LCD Soundsystem + Hot Chip – Panda Bear
Seriously, I could go on and on about how much I dug this album. “Revolution 10” is a deeper pop anthem, featuring some essential cowbells and squelchy synth work. “Baby Come Back” is a summertime jam with just a splash of Mac DeMarco–esque weirdness. “Medication” has some killer slap bass that feels like a good pat on the back from your favorite bud. The happy claps sampled in “Osama Obama” start the album off on an upbeat vibe that carries on into “Revolution 10”—a synthy pop anthem, which reminds me of all the good in the world in 2k7. Overall, this album’s a total wildcard. It’s eclectic while maintaining an actual level of manageable cohesiveness. –Kamryn Feigel