National Music Reviews
Louis Matteo
Patchwork Pattern
Team Clermont
Street: 04.30
Louis Matteo = Tired Pony + Brand New – Say Anything
As much as I have heard music like this 1,000 times before, I still enjoyed listening to Patchwork Pattern. Solo artist Louis Matteo is talented at incorporating multiple instruments into his repertoire and creating a tight and simple indie rock album. Light synths, like on “I Won’t Let You Down,” give depth to uncomplicated drums. However, with an expected guitar, bass, drums and vocals set-up, the lyrics need a larger range than usual to impress me. With platitudes galore, songs like “Move On” and “Finish Line” feel contrived. The diverse musicality from track to track partially made up for this downfall. However, not a single song had a line that made me think. Matteo is still a young artist who doesn’t seem to have tapped into the full expanse of his talent. As an experiment, future efforts will be a staple in my music collection. –LeAundra Jeffs