National Music Reviews
No Shame
Street: 11.04
Loveskills = Metronomy + Washed Out
No Shame
Street: 11.04
Loveskills = Metronomy + Washed Out
The man behind the machine, Richard Spitzer, is an electronic producer based in Brooklyn. Pure is like a cascading waterfall of sound. The 808 drum flows along throughout the album, and the consistently upbeat vibe is impressive. At times I felt that the bass was a little overpowering to the rest of the tracks. But songs like “Chanel” are so catchy that I could more easily overlook this factor. This is an easy listen and a well-constructed album. Overall, it contains aspects of a lot of familiar sounds, but it maintains its uniqueness, giving it a wonderful, kaleidoscopic effect. –Kamryn Feigel