
Review: Media Jeweler – $99 R/T Hawaii

National Music Reviews


Media Jeweler
$99 R/T Hawaii

Fire Talk Records
Street: 09.18
Media Jeweler = (Battles + Modest Mouse) / Hella

If you haven’t heard of Media Jeweler, don’t be surprised. If you haven’t heard anything like Media Jeweler—well, that’s not surprising either. In their debut release, $99 R/T Hawaii, Media Jeweler make a bold entrance into the record boards and an even bolder entrance into eardrums like my own. From looped vocal ostinatos to extensive play with guitar harmonics, $99 R/T Hawaii tries out a bit of every technique known to the vastly expanding “rock” genre. While some of their sounds may come off as a little experimental, I was, overall, quite pleased with the variety and skill with which they made this album. Keep an ear out for superb trumpet melodies in “Autopilot” and “Looking Back,” or if you like to keep things a little math-y, “No Exit” or “Passport Invalid” might be just what you’re looking for. 
–Alex Blackburn