National Music Reviews
Mourning Mist
Forever Plagued
Street: 02.09
Mourning Mist = Ulver + Bethlehem + Grayceon
Sometimes, after listening to any genre in excess, one gets into an “I’ve heard it all” mindset. I’ll admit to having done that on many occasions. Enter Italy’s Mourning Mist to crush that mindset. The violin has been used in many ways in metal violinist Ecneurnal’s performance, which puts Mourning Mist in the front of the line for best use of violin in metal. Mourning Mist trash ideas of black, dark and progressive metal by encompassing many techniques said genres include into an album that sounds like nothing I’ve heard. The heavy bass tones on the album completely clash with the violin, which can be somber or as fully assaulting as the most raw black metal. The production tone screwed with me a bit—there’s a chamber music quality to the vocals, and the violin often has an echo tone, while the bass tones are crushingly low. Check this record out at all costs. –Bryer Wharton