When dealing with a climate which can only be described as bi-polar there are two things that are essential: food and liquor. Our local food and drink gurus grace us with their presence and share the best places to drink and eat away your seasonal depression on episode 133 of SLUG Soundwaves.
– With 85+ sushi joints in the valley, tracking down the best can be a daunting task but thankfully, we have Jeffery from Yelp to do all the hard work for us. Jeffery knows where to find the tastiest and freshest raw fish dishes here in Salt Lake and we were lucky enough to have him stop by the studio to impart his food-wisdom upon us.
– Tolchock Trio, contradictory to their name, were a local four piece who in their 13 years saw a lot of line up changes but managed to break the “Salt Lake Curse” and remain together after gaining popularity. Each member continues to please the Salt Lake masses through a different medium these days as they are all working in the local food industry at fine establishments such as Eva and Takashi. Check out the track, “Hornets” from their 2005 release, Ghosts Don’t Have Bones on this episode of Soundwaves.
– Need some feel good tunes? Wildcat Strike are a group of dudes who pour their time and souls into music and it’s hard not to notice the passion they have when it comes to life through their work. Their self-titled debut is marked with pleasant piano and dreamy guitar, but don’t forget that these guys still know how to rock and roll when you listen to their song, “Beer Pressure.”
– Here at SLUG we’re thankful to have Mike Riedel to tell us what to drink. Golden ales, stouts and IPAs, whatever the beverage he has had it and is ready to tell us what he thinks. With local breweries ramping up production to keep us happy during the dreary winter days Mike shares some of his favorites, such as The Hive Winery’s raspberry hard cider and Bohemian’s Smoked Helles.
Host: Dan Nailen
Executive Producer: Angela H. Brown
Lead Producer: Gavin Sheehan
Associate Producers: Esther Meroño, Alexander Ortega, Dan Nailen
Theme Song by Lindsay Heath & Mike Sassich
Art Design & Logo: Thy Doan
Technical Designer: Kate Colgan
Interviewers: Dan Nailen
Music This Episode: Mammoth, Tolchock Trio, Wildcat Strike, OK Ikumi