On this week’s episode we preview the upcoming film festival season in Utah. First up, SLUG writer Jory Carroll chats on the phone with Slamdance head Peter Baxter; SLUG writer Alex Springer sits down in the Soundwaves studio with Brandon Smith form the LDS Film Festival; and SLUG’s Managing Editor Esther Meroño talks on the phone with the new co-directors of the Sundance Film Festival, Laurie Hopkins and Sarah Pearce. Plus, a Localized preview from Screaming Condors and brand new music from Huldra. As you’ve heard, film festival season is quickly approaching and we’d like to hear what you’re most looking forward to from Sundance and Slamdance film festivals happening in January. Call our automated voicemail line at 858-233-9324 and tell us your thoughts. You may get played on the show!
Host: Dan Nailen
Executive Producer: Angela H. Brown
Lead Producer: Gavin Sheehan
Associate Producers: Ricky Vigil, Esther Meroño, Alexander Ortega, Dan Nailen
Theme Song by Birthquake
Theme Producer: Jesse Ellis
Art Design & Logo: Thy Doan
Technical Designer: Kate Colgan
Interviewers: Jory Carroll, Alex Springer, Esther Meroño
Music This Episode: DJ RoboRob, Huldra, Linus Stubbs, Screaming Condors, Shrugboat